Dec 31, 2008

Is the secret out?

The day of the big bowling party half my secret was revealed. By that I mean my sister Mandie put a couple things together and found out we were trying to conceive. I tried to wiggle my way out of it but I am not a very good lier. Apparently it all started on Christmas Eve. Mandie used the master bedroom bathroom and discovered my boxes of prenatal pill samples the doc gave me. I got rid of our positive pregnancy tests, but missed that little detail. Then while at Dave and Melissa's house, my uncle Dave kept asking over and over again if I was pregnant. The reason he was asking was because an Aunt of mine Margy, is knitting a blanket. Every time she is knitting, someone is pregnant. Mandie notice the look on my face and put the two together. The funny thing is that she really doesn't know everything. She only thinks that we are trying, not that we have already succeeded. Why are we keeping this all a secret? Well.. Jason and I said from the beginning we wanted to try and keep it to ourselves until after our first appt. This way no one can jinks us by saying "it's twins". It really has been fun too.

Dec 26, 2008

December 26th

Tomorrow is the big bowling party and I am praying that I don't break. Christmas Eve was really hard to keep my mouth shut. Especially with the occasional wink and head nod from Jason. I am glad that I decided to make this blog page. I think it turned out really cute and I am hoping this will help me vent my anxiousness. Like my own diary.
Oh, and by the way, Laura knew too. I told her on Thanksgiving that Jason and I were trying. I decided that she needed to know when I learned of her own efforts at conceiving. I didn't want any hurt feelings or resentment out of this.

Mommy Update: I can't believe how tired I am already. I just want to sleep all day. I have a feeling Jeffrey will need to learn to like TV while I take naps during the day. Praying for no morning sickness, it could be just around the corner.

Can you Believe it!

We are expecting baby #3! Jason, Jacob, Jeffrey and I are proud to announce that a new member will be joining our family in late August 2009. What seemed like months(really only 5) of trying we finally got the double pink line on December 22nd.
I know you are all in shock right now and thinking "I didn't know they were trying". Well yes, I had my IUD removed in June, and since then it has been a go. I confided in my wonderful Aunt Melissa, so she knew of our plan from the beginning. My goal is to wait until after my first trimester to break the news. This is why I decided to create a new blog page. When the time is right I will send out the link to our new blog to friends and family. I hope you are all as excited as Jason the kids and I are. It will be a fun and exciting journey.